This was my first time watching this show so I didn’t really know anything about the bands. So here it goes.
That John guy from the Goo Dolls has very simple responses and just repeats it 500 times more and hopes that adds insight. Dicko is my favorite judge because he seems like he knows what he is talking about, he actually explains his answer, and he’s fat.

Franklin Bridge sounds like a good band, but the song didn’t really match up with them. I liked the effects on the first part of the guitar solo. That one fat back up vocals guy is not very good at singing. He doesn’t bring good harmony to the band.

Denver and the Mile High Club has got to get out of their little imagination that they will get big with the horrible crap music they play. I don’t like his voice, some of the band members have stupid hair, but they do get a positive feeling out of the music.

Sixwire is not my type of sound but musically they are pretty good. They will probably go farther than a lot of the other bands.
There are too many commercials.

Tres Bien is okay but kind of nerdy. The psychedelic picture in the background was cool but it was too computery and needs to be bigger. The bass player sticks out a lot because he is a fat guy with a bunch of loser dorks around him.

The Clark Brothers have a cool guitar player because his left hand is on top of the fret board. He played it that way really well, too, especially at the end with the fast slide solo. That sounded awesomely cool.

Light of Doom is the best band on this show. They kick ass playing music. The drummer is cool. He’s so small but so loud. They will go far. Then again, Iraq is far, too, so that may not be a good thing.
Rubson rocks. I say we get rid of Goo Goo John and bring in Rubson for the rest of the show.
Guess reporting for the disabled Moist Rub this week is Rubson. Disabled? OK, Rubson, what did you do to your dad ...
This was my first time watching this show so I didn’t really know anything about the bands. Hey, neither do we really, and I don't think the bands really know themselves, so you got as good a shot as any.
That John guy from the Goo Dolls has very simple responses and just repeats it 500 times more and hopes that adds insight. I think it's more like most of the bands on this show needssimple response repeated 500 times before they gain insight. Just one woman's opinion here.
Dicko is my favorite judge because he seems like he knows what he is talking about, he actually explains his answer, and he’s fat. :-D
I'd love to hear your comment on Sheila E.!
Great job, Rubson, and love the pics, 'cause a blog ain't no good without pics!
And hey, this show is the NEXT great American Band right? I think there may be a possibility for Light of Doom to pull it off.
Blog on, Rubson!
Hey, dorks and fat guys rule, so lay off Tres Bien!
But I'm surprised you liked the Clark Brothers so there's hope for you yet.
Keep Pops on the couch with the National Geographic - we need more youth around this joint. Rock on.
I agree with E, Rubson rocks!
So, how did MR get you to do it? Threats, bribes or got your teacher to assign it as homework?
What's with all of the fat comments?
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