Dave’s eyes slowly blinked open... the room was dark. What room, he wasn’t sure. The cushions supporting his body would work for the rest of the night. Not feeling that his body would be synchronized with any further thoughts he might produce, he resigned himself to his confined, yet sufficient, quarters.
Sunlight sneaking around the edge of the blinds pulled his eyes open a second time. Like a police sketch artist, the sun slowly removed the haze and pulled each element of the room together into a recognizable picture for him. The room he had slumbered in was familiar, but the route he took there was currently unknown. That was good enough for now as the steady rhythm pounding inside his head made more sleep a very attractive option.
Noises from the direction of the kitchen brought him back a third time. Having already established his location, he tried to salvage the previous night from his damaged memory banks before rising and confronting anybody else sharing his flophouse that day. The memories that teased him would be from the last party of the year as he realized he was regaining consciousness in the first sunrise of the new year....
Careful planning disguised as altruism had afforded him the entire day off that New Year’s Eve. He had volunteered to work Christmas Eve while others spent the day planning family get-togethers and last minute shopping. In return a week later, Dave would get a day off and get a head start on the parties that would evolve that evening. A case of beer that afternoon would evolve into a good buzz that he would maintain into the evening, as well as provide a few cans for any merrymakers that might want to join in that day. A bottle of Wild Turkey would be on hand to help anyone evolve into the party guest that every host dreams of entertaining. Some Schnapps might also help distract any females with a disdain of the fine Kentucky bourbon or sudsy mugs typically tossed back by the male species.
The self-prescribed and carefully planned intake allowed him to disregard the strange feeling overtaking his head that evening. He rationed that it was the strange combinations of these solutions creating the momentary disarray rather than his failing attempt to ration the volumes. The time quickly approached to take the small group of revelers that had gathered with him at the hotel that evening to the watering hole that would nourish the eclectic group for the coming year.

Those must have been the fatal shots that caused his brain cells to scramble the rest of the evening. The same cells that swelled in his skull that morning as he strained to recall anything else. Dave wanted to lie on that couch the rest of the day until he remembered what else he might have done to finish off that year, but nature called and his hosts had been most forgiving in the past. Perhaps they would forgive him just one more time.
the thingie of the my thingie cadence that smacks of hammet and other pulp fiction ... love you guys always ... how clever you are and how in sync with every mood of the season ... the waking up to the i don't know what of the clanging macbangers ... some will think me nuts but others will hammer out the music that you two started yourselves ... phoebe does equal clogging ... i knew it all along
is there a more clever blog? i don't think so ...
happy new year to the three or two or one of you ... you bring so much bleeping happiness to us out here that i'd like to bang you with my macthingie of the macthingie cadence except that the macthingie is all out of whack and just wants to come home and forget about the entire enterprise ... bring our macthingie boys and girls home, i say, and throw the other bastards out for good! we say yes to that in arlington, va ...
sorry ... d - r - u - n - k enough to be obnoxious ... do people still do that and admit to it? happy new year and sniff in a not very glam way
Some people, I believe, become even durnk! and our dear Dave perhaps even surpassed that.
I'm glad Dave continued to find those who would love him regardless. Grace is found in surprising places.
Thanks for the continuing CMK, Sid. Thank you very much.
You have my support MacArlington, Va.
Yes, anonymous, there is a drunken faction that does indeed still do that. Sometimes the dark side of it isn't very amusing and not everyone understands Dave, so that's why I try to manage his appearances at Leper Pop.
Thanks for playing along until Moist Rub comes back from hiatus, and happy new year to all y'all.
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